The Rss Mast provides electrification or electric power to railway trains and trams. The electricity is transmitted and distributed to the trains. We provide these poles that are made in accordance with the RDSO/CORE Part I. We are approved vendor to manufacture and supply all type of structures like Beams, Gantries, Small Parts Steel, Portals, Masts, Sub-Station structures and customized structures as well. Further our versatile ranges of products offered to our customers are CORE/RDSO approved structures. The Rss Mast can be availed from us at cost effective price point.
Born in India, Utkarsh Indai Ltd. Is a front-running enterprise that spreads asproring wings to respond to the global demands of life. The company is now operating in six verticals, namely:
Deeply imbibing the Indian philiosophy where 'customer is the king' its all set to mortgage itself to conquer the confidence of globle customers, thus marking its dream of emerging as major global company come true.
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